Cats Improve Your Health
Cats make wonderful companion pets. Here is a list of ways that having a cat can make you happy and healthy! 1. Lower Stress. Petting a...
Household Hazards for Cats
Cats are curious animals! Exploring their environment may expose them to obvious dangers, especially in the home. It takes a bit of time...
Cat Allergies
Like most mammals, cats have allergies. Cats can exhibit an array of symptoms including sore eyes, excessive mucus, sneezing, itchy back...
March Cat Rescue of the Month
Chicagoland Cat Sitter's cat rescue for the month of March is Little Miss Solid Gold! She is currently residing at Tree House Humane...
Preventing Cancer for Your Cat
There are a few steps that you as a cat owner can do to help prevent your cat from developing cancer. Cats do not necessarily get cancer...