Cat Care Basics Everyone Should Know
Cats are magnificent and wonderfully unique pets. This means that they come with a unique set of wants and needs. Use these tips as a...
Why a Pet Sitter is Best for Cat Care
“Oh no, did I forget to adjust the thermostat?” or “I wonder if Whiskers is taking her medicine when she eats,” are questions that can’t...
5 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Cat
Cats might be known to be a bit finicky, but some may be easier than a partner to please this Valentine’s Day! We came up with 5...
Indoor Games for Your Cat
Exercise for cats is good and necessary not only for their body, but also for their brain. Since indoor cats don’t spend time outside...
Houseplants that are Toxic to Cats
As I sit here drinking my morning coffee out of my “plant mom” mug on House Plant Appreciation Day, I look around, and I really do...
Why You Should Pick Chicagoland Cat Sitters
If you made it to this page, we can imagine you are looking for a cat care company, and we would love to introduce ourselves! We here at...
What You Need to Bring A Kitten Home For Christmas
You and your new kitten are alike in that you both require food, water, and shelter. However, kittens require just a few more things than...
Holiday Plants that are Dangerous for Pet Cats
The holidays are here, and with that comes plenty of beautiful seasonal plants. However, what plants are dangerous for a house with cats?...
What Is Cat Nip?
Catnip is a plant from the mint family of herbs native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. It's scientific name is Nepeta Cataria and it contai
Keeping Cats In Apartments
Cats are easy going creatures. As long as they get food, water and a place to sleep, they're happy. Right? Are cats easy pets to keep in