Is Your Cat Stressed?
Stress has negative effects on us as humans, but did you know that your cat can have stress too? Most cats actually hide their stress,...

Is Your Cat Shy?
Companion felines have unique personalities, and some are more outgoing than others. If a cat is calm and friendly with his/her family,...

Your Cat and Hairballs
When your cat grooms himself, tiny hook-like structures on the tongue catch loose and dead hair, which is then swallowed by your cat....

Household Hazards for Cats
Cats are curious animals! Exploring their environment may expose them to obvious dangers, especially in the home. It takes a bit of time...

Preventing Cancer for Your Cat
There are a few steps that you as a cat owner can do to help prevent your cat from developing cancer. Cats do not necessarily get cancer...

Cat Rescue of the Month
Meet Verbana! Chicagoland Cat Sitters' Rescue Cat of the Month! Hi there. I am Verbena. I was born at Harmony House in May, 2011. My mom...

Adopt Barbie - Rescue Cat of the Week!
My name is Barbie and as you can tell, I am quite the furry model when there is a camera nearby. I really love people, but I don't share...

We are Siamese if you please, we are Siamese if you don't please!
We are Siamese if you please, we are Siamese if you don't please! Remember that song from that Siamese cats on Lady and the Tramp? We do!...