Keeping Cats In Apartments
Cats are easy going creatures. As long as they get food, water and a place to sleep, they're happy. Right? Are cats easy pets to keep in

Is Your Cat Stressed?
Stress has negative effects on us as humans, but did you know that your cat can have stress too? Most cats actually hide their stress,...

Keeping Your Cat Active
When you are away from home and your cat is alone, it is common that your cat will become bored and lonely. Although you may feel your...

Cat Rescue of the Month
Chicagoland Cat Sitter's July rescue of the month is Lando! Lando is currently at Tree House for Animals in their Bucktown location....

Summer Care for Your Cat
Since summer is well underway, it is a great time to revisit some tips to help make life more comfortable and safe for your cat. Always...

Is Wet Food or Dry Food Better for Your Cat?
When it comes to feeding you cat, there are many options and brands to choose from. It can be a hard decision in choosing what is...

Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Cat
With only a few days left in June, you still have a chance to save a rescue cat in honor of adopt-a-cat month. If you are debating on...

June Cat Rescue: Slim Jim Phantom
June is adopt a rescue cat month, and this month we have found a very special cat at Tree House Humane Society. Slim Jim Phantom is a...

Do You Know Why Cats Scratch?
You love your cat more than anything, but you can't understand why pieces of your furniture have become destroyed due to your cat's...

Are You Ready to Adopt a Cat?
Adopting a cat is the way to go, especially since June is adopt-a-cat month. However, a cat is a long term commitment and there are some...